URGENTE via Cadeia Para Quem Maltrata os Animais
Esta é a mensagem para ser enviada aos parlamentares do REINO UNIDO na União Européia, em protesto contra a construção do MEGA centro de torturas em Azambuja, para o que serão utilizados MILHÕES de EUROS do dinheiro dos contribuintes, numa época em que Portugal padece de tantas e reais necessidades.
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Títulos possíveis sugeridos:
We really need your helpThis is reason for deep concern
Please intervene in such a preposterous situation
Portuguese citizens do not APPROVE this kind of use of taxmoney
Unethical management of EU financial resources
Mensagem a ser enviada:
Dear Sirs,
I would like to express my concern about a delicate issue that deserves full attention from the European Parlament.
Not long ago I was informed about Portugal's intention to build a large vivarium for vivissection in Azambuja, Portugal. To my knowledge, the Centre for Neuroscience, from Champalimaud Foundation __ with strong subsides from tax money of portuguese citizens offered by the Portuguese authorities__ is building a Vivarium (Bioterio), in Azambuja, where animal testing will be practiced, with all the cruelty embedded in it to breed animals for research purposes.
This hideous project intends to lead to financial profits by means of intense animal cruelty and murder, absolutely NON-necessary for research and learning purposes.
It will cost 36 million euros, where 27 millions euros are coming from the taxpayers.
Is is my point of view __ scientifically embased, by the way __ that this money should not be invested to delay the progress of science but should instead be invested in investigation and implementation of alternative methods, which are more accurate, inexpensive, ethically and compassionately practiced through another forms of research that will not bring extreme cruelty suffering and pain to helpless and weak animals.
Besides, as Portugal is undergoing a deep financial crisis, motivated by corruption and bad management and investments of the public money, the true nature and consequences of this project seem even harder to accept.
Nor only Portugal subsides bullfights with tax money
__ which, to my mind, is really a SCANDAL __, but WORSE, now they intend to make a millionaire euro investment in ANIMAL CRUELTY, which is simply unnacceptable to the vast majority of portugueses citizens. Portugueses citizens are claiming for health improvements, scholarity improvements and offers of job. And definetely NOT for this kind of manegement of their taxes.
Since this crisis will certainly affect EU financial balance and will certainly become a heavier burden to all the European Community, we belive we have enough resons to ask you to intervene.
The United Kingdom has always made a standard of animal rights, for which we are deeply grateful. Recently we have admired enormously the positions taken by the UK regarding the shameless sales of votes from caribbean countries members of the IWC. Japan is SHAME to mankind with its hideous whale and dolphin certainly. Be sure we are deeply grateful to you.
We have 3 petitions going on at the present moment in PROTEST against this undergoing construction of the HUGE animal breeding facilities for vivissection in Portugal: 2 of them are international and another one specific por portuguese citizens.
We sincerely ask for your help. Not only humans are suffering with the portuguese economical crisis. Animals are being (and will be) slaughtered for no reasonable reason at all, greatly because of improper use of money by one of the poorest members of the European Union.
This matter reflects the poor observance of both human and animal rights by the portuguese current administrators.
Thank you for your time and attention, your sincerely,
(seu nome)
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