Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa arrecada dinheiro com touradas! Vergonhoso!

Esta é uma força-tarefa para enviarmos cartas à Cruz Vermelha Internacional protestando contra a decisão da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa de aceitar dinheiro arrecadado com a realização de touradas, a custo de muito sofrimento e crueldade! Por que os animais merecem passar por isso?
Contamos com a sua ajuda! Maiores informações na página do grupo Cadeia Para Quem Maltrata os Animais, no Facebook. O Libertação Animal Brasília agradece!

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Títulos à sua livre escolha - sugestões:
BLOODY money
Preposterous support to animal cruelty
SHAME on Red Cross
Why have you allowed this to go on?
Is your cross tainted with blood?
On which side are you?
Your silence will not put an end on these preposterous facts
We wish to hear your public explanation

To The International Comission of Red Cross,
I am writing to you in order to express my deepest INDIGNATION for the attitude taken by the Portuguese Red Cross.
By accepting money from bullfights in Portugal, the portuguese branch of your organization has succeeded in putting all your goals in jeopardy.
Is is simply UNACCEPTABLE to the majority of the civilized world that you accept money resulting from such animal cruelty.
This is simply BLOODY MONEY, a real STAIN on the credibility of your organization.
As a result of such preposterous decision, you are now facing a very negative campaign worldwide.
Your cross is being compared and taken as tainted of BLOOD.
I advise you to take serious public positions in relation to these facts, by condemning such decisions in an open way.
The vast majority of portuguese citinzens are striving to put an END on such barbaric "entertainment". By accepting this kind of financial profit, I am pretty sure your income from donations in Portugal and Brasil will drop in an expressive way. And elsewhere as well.
I myself am spreading the news about what has happened last week in Portugal, as I simply cannot keep quiet regarding such a SHAME.
We need ETHICS on this planet.
It is simply inadmissible that, in order to help humans, you publicly declare your support for animal abuse and murder.
I strongly advise you to make your positions quite clear in relation to animal cruelty: the world will judge you by the side you decide to choose.
We won't simply FORGET it, be sure of it. So, SILENCING about facts will definitely not put on end on such scandal.
My deepest regrets for you having agreed to that.
Seu nome

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